Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bubye Sabah..Boeing 737-800

10 June 2011, a day I've been waiting for almost a month but it just ends so fast. I wake up early but ended up rushing to airport since my friend who supposes to drop me at airport wake up late. Thank god that we made it, i can’t afford for a new ticket especially in Malaysia Airlines. Once weighted, our total luggage weight is 66kg for 3 people. It suppose to be 20kg per person, luckily the kind-hearted person in charge didn't include the extra weight. Each extra kg would cost us RM15. 
Upon entered into the flight, i notice the flight is kinda different from other flight that I took before this. It was the new Boeing 737-800. It has a new dynamic livery, higher ceiling and mood lighting. 
Once settle with my hand-carry and sat on the comfortable seat, I notice something on the back of my front passenger seat. It looks like a mini LCD TV. Being curious, started to use it, it is pretty easy to handle. It is the new in-flight entertainment digital LCD screen. 

 This time i felt the traveling is much less hectic. Next time i gonna travel, MAS would be my 1st choice. They provide comfortable, food and entertainment at reasonable price. Since i'm back to KL after so long, its time to relax and enjoy with family and friends =)

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